Thursday, March 19, 2015

Responsive / ID Magazine / Development

As the deadline me and Jamie agreed on passed, it came apparent that Jamie had not meet the brief.

Unfortunately in our attempt to use an old film, we were greeted by two completely empty films, we presumed this to be because of the age of the film.

This left me without any photographs, I understood it was not Jamie’s fault directly however I do believe it was due to his own efforts that he did not complete the set brief.

With a keen motivation to adapt and overcome the problem, we decided on focusing on the re-appropriation we had used initially in the justification of using old film.

As a photography student, Jamie has an archive of 1000’s of photographs; we believed if there were existing images that could be appropriated to fit this context, we could relate this to the re-appropriation of past subcultures found in our contemporary blur.

Using our initial intentions for the photographs as criteria, we were to scan Jamie’s existing library.

These photographs are somewhat similar to my intentions however they are not strong enough and the re-appropriation is evident, neither do any 3 work as a set.

Jamie did break our contract and did let down the cause, it is from this mistake I have learnt to not expect creative partners to complete work and to be reluctant in choosing colleagues. I am to develop my photography skills so I can take on similar briefs alone.

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