Friday, February 20, 2015

OUGD505 - Day Brief - Real Problems Graphic Solutions

Real Problem Graphic Solutions

In the group:

Tom Houghton
Joe Lindley
Neil Gilchrist

Our chosen field was Psychology.

For the first hour we each researched current topics in Psychology.

Some of the topics we looked into were:

Motivational Quotes as seen in the article about Andy Murray's pre match routine:

Reverse Priming - Motivational quotes actually doing there opposite

Cool in school? You're probably not anymore - psychology in child to adult transition

Clark Carlisle suicide attempt relation to depression

Underlaying sense of depression apparent in Harry Potter films

Famous artists that suffered from mental health issues

Does listening to Mozart improve brain function - Mozart effect

9 things not to say to a sufferer of mental illness

After a secondary group discussion we decided to focus on the Mozart Effect:


We discovered listening to classical music had many proven benefits:

/ Reduce Stress, Depression and Anxiety

/ Induce relaxation and sleep

/ Improve memory and awareness

/ Improve dyslexia, ADHD and Autism

/ Increases memory

/ Aids in Learning

/ Decreases Epileptic episodes

/ Improves creativity

We declared that our Target Audience was anyone suffering from any of these problems.

Our Solution was to listen to Classical Music

We discussed possible methods we could use to promote our solution:

A possible market strategy was to target students at stressful times and sending promotional material to workplaces to aid stressed workers.

We decided to create a series of posters to initially communicate our concept for the presentation later in the day, collectively we designed a template for the posters.

Our template would create a consistent brand and be adaptable to communicate our solution to our identified solution;

We decided to use this template, the title would use 'Feeling...' and would change to adapt to each identified problem.

'Classical music has been to...' This would also be altered for every identified problem.
Tom Houghton.

Tom Houghton.

Neil Gilchrist.

My own.

Our presentation justifies the use of type:

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