Sunday, March 22, 2015

Responsive / NEED MONEY FOR NYC / Brief

A small collaboration between me and Jamie Carmichael, a fine art student from Leeds Beckett University with a favour towards photography.

He had recently returned from a trip to NYC, while there, Jamie took 100's of images with no intention of making them into a visual documentary of the city.

It was my influence that initiated the project as I was impressed with the photographs.

We were to make a zine that would be included at The Contemporary Artists Book Fair at The Tetley

The publication is not intended to be neat or of any worth, similar photos have been taken before and there is nothing to stand out here. It is a matter of the practice; the most efficient, relevant way to publish the material I would like to practice.

The budget for the project is £0, with the opportunity to print at Leeds Beckett University for free, it can be achieved. With this budget, we do not need to sell any. To print for free we have to comply with the capabilities of the zine printer available: the dimension has to be 20cm x 20cm.

I undertook the role of designer / director.
Jamie had already been designated as photographer.

Some photographs had previously been edited by Jamie, as this was a showcase of his work his selection and alterations were to be used.

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