Saturday, March 21, 2015

Responsive / FEATHR / Research / Interior Design

Barbara Kruger's Belief + Doubt

'Part of an initiative to bring art to new sites within and around the building, this installation by Barbara Kruger fills the Lower Level lobby and extends into the newly relocated Museum bookstore. Famous for her incisive photomontages, Kruger has focused increasingly over the past two decades on creating environments that surround the viewer with language. The entire space—walls, floor, escalator sides—is wrapped in text-printed vinyl, immersing visitors in a spectacular hall of voices, where words either crafted by the artist or borrowed from the popular lexicon address conflicting perceptions of democracy, power, and belief.

At a moment when ideological certitude and purity seem especially valued, Kruger says she’s “interested in introducing doubt.” Large areas of the installation are devoted to open-ended questions (“WHO IS BEYOND THE LAW? WHO IS FREE TO CHOOSE? WHO SPEAKS? WHO IS SILENT?”), while the section occupying the bookstore explores themes of desire and consumption. At once addressing the individual, the museum, and, symbolically, the country, Kruger’s penetrating examination of the public sphere transforms one of the Hirshhorn’s key public spaces.' - HirsHHorn

More than simply decoration, Kruger's Belief + Doubt is a practice in environment design, immersing an audience in a room adds power to her questionings. Comparing this to the possibilities of wallpaper design creates the question, how powerful can environment design be?

Can I design (more than a simple aesthetic) to create emotion?

How concept driven can wallpaper design be?

Thinking beyond the walls, how can I design to add to a rooms concept?


A minimalist brand whose store interiors reflect the brands qualities; creating emotion through interior.

Wood + Minimalism.

Contrast between raw materials and minimalism.

Consistent colour of wood.

Wood and raw material contrast.

Emphasises colour and the product.

Spacial design exaggerates the interior design.

Ambition to Create Novel Expressions

Materials portray emotion.
This arrangement of yellow circular grids communicates well craftsmanship.  

Lighting and reflections used to create an experience.

Layers bring an interior to life and beg for exploration.

Focus can be created to lead the eye.

Reality? More interesting than a normal display; interest = good.

An interior / display design can detract from the product,
the wallpaper of a room should not detract from the experience of the room,
unless this is the intention. 

Contrast of high fashion attributes and urban streets promote ACNE's brand attributes.

The new logo. The leading is unusual; creating an exciting/ awkward aesthetic.
This fits with the brands products.

The same material seen in yellow earlier is used throughout their stores.
Re-appropriating aesthetic from construction materials would create an interesting skeumorphic result.

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