Saturday, March 21, 2015

Responsive / Module Brief

“[Graphic Design is] an ongoing examination/conversation between the dynamics of personal exploration and professional practice” – Matt Owens, Volume one. 

This Module is in two parts:


This brief offers you the opportunity to explore a range of individually identified practical, conceptual and creative concerns within the field of Graphic Design. You will be asked to select and resolve a range of live and/or competition briefs appropriate to your individual emerging practice and interests.  This is an opportunity for you to investigate content, processes, products and techniques that will help you to understand and define your own creative ambitions within the field of Graphic Design. You will be expected to also incorporate a project report within the work that clearly introduces, summarises and evaluates your working practices and experiences throughout the module with a view to identifying areas of strength, improvement and those which will lead to further investigation. See Studio Brief 1 for further information.


Working in groups of between 2 & 4 you will focus on the role of the creative team and collaborative approaches to solving design problems. By combining your technical, practical and theoretical skills (as well as identifying new skills that need to be developed) you will be expected to respond - and submit work - to one of the available national competition briefs or recognised live brief. Again, it is a requirement that you incorporate a reflective overview of the work that (as with Studio Brief 1) provides a detailed account of your process and evaluates the group activity/ See Studio Brief 2 for further information.

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