Sunday, March 22, 2015

Responsive / The Hepworth Wakefield / Research

The building is the Hepworth Wakefield's most recognisable attribute.

'In designing The Hepworth Wakefield, David Chipperfield Architects responded imaginatively to the gallery’s waterfront setting. The building complements the scale and form of the existing industrial buildings and, like them, appears to rise out of the River Calder.'

'The site is highly prominent with no ‘front’ or ‘back’. The surrounding industrial buildings, their scale and form and their sitting on the river’s edge, suggested a solution to the gallery’s massing and location. Organising the building in a series of smaller blocks of varying heights and roof pitches fitted the scale of the existing building and enabled the gallery to present a number of frontages onto the river and the adjacent buildings.'

The simplistic modernistic approach to architecture places the gallery in a modern context. The contrast of angles against a blue sky creates a signature image that the gallery embraces.

My visual interpretation:

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