Monday, November 24, 2014

OUGD504 Studio Brief 03 - Study Task 08 - Web style guide

When an image is selected, it is enlarged to the largest it can be and highlighted with a blue outline.

When the image is clicked again, the outline of the image remains while the copy sits centred.
To go back to normal browsing, the user is to click outside of the highlighted box.
I believe this is incredibly simple and icons showing text/image and exit are not necessary.

When 1 of the 4 functions is selected it is highlighted in blue.
When the search function is selected, a line appears with the option for the user to begin typing,
the blue line extends with the search term.

The search results page, highlighted text sits above as an header.

When an image is hovered over in the search results text appears over the image while the image become opaque.

The 'Results for:' title remains static so the user does not become lost in results.

The user can return to normal browsing by clicking on the highlighted search icon; This is why it remains highlighted, to let a user know they are still in the search process.

Another selected image.

When a search is created, the images are not to start 36px from the top of the page like normal browsing.

Each icon will be highlighted when hovered over:


I have decided to use Clearface Bold only, it is a web safe font that is available to purchase in 4 different font formats. ‘Originally designed by Morris Fuller Benton for ATF in 1907.’ The typeface may be over 100 years old however the popular use of similar typefaces in contemporary graphic design is my rationale for my design decision here.


I have decided to limit my use of colour to just one, a rich blue; RGB: 0,0, 255 HEX: 0000ff. The use of such a blue in contemporary graphic design is noted ‘International Klein Blue is dark ultramarine blue color, well-known due to French artist Yves Klein. The intensive color become very popular not only in graphic design, but also in fashion.’. The colour is not print safe so any replication in print will be false. This limit of one colour is intended to reduce distraction from the content, showcasing contemporary graphic design will be very colourful so a limited pallete should compliment this.

RGB: 0,0, 255
HEX: 0000FF
The logo I have decided to use, simply 'CURATED.' in the typeface I am using for my branding, Clearface bold. Seemingly contemporary, somewhat quirky as the full stop seems to add a sense of officialness, sternly and a respected label, hopefully these elements will help me when advertising.
The favicon, adding to the brand strength.

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