Friday, November 14, 2014

OUGD504 - Studio Brief 01 & 02 - Critique

Feedback for Studio Brief 01:

"Interesting and irregular response to other work I've seen"

"The isometric grid could communicate a very organised design process" - This is a fair point and one I do agree with to an extent however it is the distortion that is created within the typography that I believe best communicates my erratic design process.

"Why have you used that typeface?" - I have used the typeface Rasmus because I have been waiting for a chance to use it with purpose, just as my design process states; existing aspirations and inspirations, using Rasmus was one of these. A contemporary typeface that communicates my interest in contemporary Graphic Design as well as the exaggerated distortion created by the typefaces serifs.

Feedback for Studio Brief 02:

"What does the Arabic writing mean?"

"The tracing paper creates interesting imagery but I think the coloured stock creates a basic feel" - I do agree as printing on these coloured stocks was simply an experiment.

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