Thursday, November 13, 2014

OUGD504 - Studio Brief 02 - Evaluation

-6 Branding Exhibition Evaluation

I did enjoy the brief and believe I have gained several qualities while completing the challenge. Firstly, a focus on contemporary Graphic Design is something I have been wanting to do for a while as I consider this to be where my future in design is.

The use of a foreign language in my work is also something I have desired to do for a while, I think this is due to my interest is the deconstruction of symbols; not being able to understand a language emphasizes the design of the typography, writing seen as art, not being read.

I am pleased with my overall outcome for the project; I believe I have created more than a sufficient amount of work to place my concept into context. The immersive branding I created has been enjoyable, for example making connections between the concept of the project and translating this to way finding and ticketing. This has challenged and grown my skills in Photoshop in the process, something I intend to develop through experimenting.

My concept of the transition between right to left, Arabic to Latin, East to West will hopefully been interpreted easily by an audience. – 6 representing the loss of characters in the alphabet when transitioning between an Arabic to Latin alphabet. Although I believe the concept can be understood when explained, I hope and do believe it can be interpreted without this.

The symbols of the logo itself derive from an Arabic font family, the “6” is a rotated 7 in Arabic, while the “-“ is a mark taken from the extended glyphs of the Arabic font Geeza Pro. This process in itself fits with the concept, the glyphs being appropriated from Arabic to Latin.

I am very happy with how thorough and well considered my branding strategy is, I believe I have identified the target audiences for the exhibition, I have then considered the most efficient way to promote to them, I do admit the backing of AIGA is somewhat invaluable in the faux promotion and effectiveness of the proposed brand strategy.

Considering this only being a week brief, I am happy with the amount of my response although I do think I should have considered the inclusion of more aesthetic qualities of the branding, for example: A pattern that can be used alongside the branding, especially to be used on the exhibition building front.

Working in another language has created several problems in the development of my work and I do presume there will be mistakes in the language and punctuation of the Arabic copy. Considering this only a week long brief again and in the context of professional practice I would have had the resource of a translator.

I would like to have experimented with contemporary methods of advertising, not only augmented interactive digital design but contemporary ways of working with print, I am to keep this in mind and use later on in the module.

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