Saturday, November 22, 2014

OUGD504 Studio Brief 03 - Study Task 07 - User Experience Design

User experience

“The role a product plays in a person’s life.”

Garrett's model of UXD

What is a hypertext system?

'A special type of database system, invented by Ted Nelson in the 1960s, in which objects (text, pictures, music, programs, and so on) can be creatively linked to each other. When you select an object, you can see all the other objects that are linked to it. You can move from one object to another even though they might have very different forms. For example, while reading a document about Mozart, you might click on the phrase Violin Concerto in A Major, which could display the written score or perhaps even invoke a recording of the concerto. Clicking on the name Mozart might cause various illustrations of Mozart to appear on the screen. The icons that you select to view associated objects are called Hypertext links or buttons.'

I am to focus on the software interface half of Garrett's model.

User experience is different to usability, usability is just one aspect of a users experience.

How does the product / service make the user feel?

Is it an enjoyable / fast / pleasant / relaxing / stressful experience?

Comparing the user experience of two different products:

Conventional hand dryer.

Dyson air blade.
The conventional hand dryer has many problems, the unhygienic silver flap one has to push to get the dated looking machine to blow a mild draft onto ones hand which then blows the loose water onto the bottom half of the user creates a generally unpleasant experience.

The modern looking Dyson air blade creates a hygienic moment of unexpected enjoyment, the powerful layer of air in which a users hands break and re enter several times does not cause any form of damp wardrobe error. Most definitely the better product while most definitely creating a better experience for the user.

User Research

This video is taken from, it is a resource for potential entrepreneurs on how to understand their users. 

Qualitative and Quantitative techniques are two methods used to explore and analyse data. 

Secondary data is to be collected before starting to research to see if research is required.

I believe my website to be very similar to tumblr, in the sense that a user would visit my website to browse and maybe investigate into a specific designer/ artist after. I believe my website to be a similar platform with a more specialised focus, this does skew the audiences slightly as I intend to have a design focused audience, compared to the infinite subject matters on tumblr.
Here are 5 facts about tumblr from PEW Research Centre ;
A broader breakdown of social media users.

Tumblr is the least popular of the social media platforms seen here. Hipster.

Most popular age group is 18 - 29.

The ratio of Male / Female users is the same.

White/ Non - Hispanic has the most populous amount of users (n=1,332 x 0.06 = <80 br="">
The most popular age is 18 - 29

The majority of users have attained a College degree or more.

The majority of users are from a household with an income of $75,000+

The average household income between 2009 -2013 was $53,046 (Source)

The most popular urbanity of users is Suburban (n=905 x 0.05 = 45.25)

I believe these results can be heavily questioned; the area in which the survey was completed, the age of the survey, the completion of the survey in English and Spanish, the number of refusals to answer are just a few variables that can severely damage the results. 
Based on this research, I can assume my user research to be similar with a slight variation due to the focus on Graphic design.

As I intend every student on our course to be the targeted user, I was able to respond to this variation to tumblr. From the programme blogs, I was able to discover the Male / Female ratio:

Female to Male ratio

1st Year = 27/59 = 45.76
2nd Year = 21/49 = 42.86
3rd Year = 28/51 = 54.90

Average = 

47% of students are Female.
53% of students are Male.

My Target User:

Male / Female.

18 - 29.

College degree or more. (Student / Professional)


I'd like to refer to a reference I found when researching the aesthetics of the Pretty Ugly:

"Remember your article The New Ugly, in which Steve Slocombe says that the design of Super Super magazine caters for its readers way of reading. He claimed this age group (between 14 and 24) are part of the 'ADD Generation', meaning that they are not used to traditionally linear reading with large amounts of text but prefer to 'click' on small bites of information.

What we think is that, indeed those universal truths exist, but communication is changing so fast that Slocombe's point might be important to consider. Call it “ADD Generation”, e-natives or whatever, the new way of 'reading', not just text but information in general, needs to be addressed by communication designers." (Source)

This 'ADD Generation' "have difficulty 1) focusing on one thing, 2) tend to jump from one input to the next, and 3) often feel impatient and unfulfilled." (Source)

To cater for this 'ADD Generation', I have to:

Design a layout that shows multiple images but has the ability for images to be viewed alone.

Text is only to be viewed if desired, by selecting the text option.

Include links to related content in new tabs so the scroll is not disturbed when returning.

The website can be zoomed in and out to alter a responsive grid.

Projection of typical persona.
Task flow.

This task flow creates the option for a viewer to read text when desired, keeping a focus on the images therefore depending on the users personal preference of design.

Links to related content will be in the description of an image or image set, opening in a new tab will mean that the current scroll (sometimes hours deep) will not be disrupted.

If an image is selected and then dismissed, the user will return to their scroll. Images have to open above current scroll and be able to minimise.

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