Saturday, November 8, 2014

OUGD504 - Studio Brief 02 - Development

I need a way to use both alphabets in some sense to best communicate the unity of the two.

The arabic 9.

Create oulines > rotate

Upside down arabic 9 English 6.

I did the exact same process to a English 9.
In some typefaces this wouldn't work, it does here in Arial.
A coincidence. As a 6, it looks as if it has been stylised to imitate a Latin/ Arabic alphabet. 
Adding the "-" which I re appropriated from the arabic alphabet, I'm finding it difficult to find exactly what the glyph represents in Arabic, however this is in a latin context, it represents a minus. This appropriation of the arabic alphabet strengthens my concept of Arabic to Latin, as that is exactly what I have done here. The calligraphic style of arabic is seen here.

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