Sunday, November 9, 2014

OUGD504 - Studio Brief 02 - Development #2

The pattern found on the Iranian flag took my interest. A grid of 148 x 5 repeats a pattern. This gave my an idea I thought I would investigate even if I didn't think It was as strong as the previous development. 

I developed a few different repetitions until I felt comfortable with one.

The name I'd like to use for the exhibition, -6, doesn't work here due to its simplicity.
After creating my grid using squares, I then filled in according to my original drawings.

Adding the rectangle and repeating the pattern to imitate the Iranian flag.

Imitating the flag. I'm glad I developed this idea although I don't believe it to be as strong as my previous development. I can keep the idea for a later date.

An abstract marking of the two borders facing each other, the Western border of Iran facing the East border of America. Without such labelling however the markings context would be lost and I believe the majority of an audience would not interpret the design in such a way.

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