Wednesday, November 26, 2014

OUGD504 Studio Brief 03 - "A brief history" - Icon development

The functions I am to make available on my website are:

Reset (returns to top)

Zoom in/ out (Change between 1 - 4 columns)


Random (Selects and highlights single image/ photo set)

I don't need to feature:

About (as this is seen on landing on the page in a highlighted box)

Contact (The email address being the only method of communication as I don't intend on any interaction in this manner, is seen with the about information)

I am to keep the design of the 4 icons as minimal as possible, I am not to detract from the images these icons will be placed statically over. These icons will be in black will a slight white shadow so they will always be visible over any image.




Zoom in / out

Zoom in / out



Random post. This was the most interesting icon to design as this isn't as commonly seen as the other options are.

A re - appropriation of a tilde,
subjectively the symbol suggests randomness but this may be due to its unknown meaning to myself.

R is for Random.

'Oh which way? Let's see'

'?? Click me'

Xi (uppercase Ξ, lowercase ξ; Greek: ξι) is the 14th letter of the Greek alphabet.

The lower-case letter ξ is used as a symbol for Random variables.

I think this is an interesting interpretation of 'random', the process of a viewer not understanding the symbol adds to the theatre of using the button itself. Clicking the random button and not knowing what to expect is random in itself.

To avoid any copyright infringement and to avoid having to use a web safe font, I created the symbol in the same minimal style and proportion as the previous.

While researching, I discovered the shadow that is used around symbols so they are always visible, I need to include this aesthetic myself as my icons are to be viewed over images, being contemporary GD, I can assume that a huge variable of colour is to be seen so these symbols need to be adaptable.

This is how I am to place the static icons.

I considered an altered composition so that the most commonly buttons were closer to the centre of the page however this detracts from focusing on the image, I desire the icons to be as discreet as possible.

36px being the border of the page, the icons are to sit 72px in from the page to create a clean, un-obscuring composition. 

When an image is selected, it will become highlighted with a drop shadow.

Clicking the highlighted image again will show the description of the image, along with links to related content. Clicking off the image will close the highlighted window.

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