Monday, November 3, 2014

OUGD504 - Studio Brief 02 - Study Task 03 - Logo requirements - Clients needs

What does the Client need to communicate to an audience?

"Graphic design exhibition and cultural exchange featuring the works of contemporary Iranian designers; for the first time in the US."

Contemporary Graphic Design

Mandatory Requirement (enhanced)

Needs to be understood by both Iranians and Americans. (Primarily American)

Promotion will be both print and digital as exposure in each country will be easier digitally.

Needs to communicate both America and Iran but not isolate other potential audiences.

Stay clear from any possible political affiliations.

What does this logo communicate? (as objectively possible with a logo)

Mix of colour, no discrimination.
Similarity to chain (Chain > Labour > Sport?)
Equally important ( This may change if the logo was flipped horizontal and the two end circles only had 1 connection as well as seeming to support the two circles above)

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