Tuesday, November 11, 2014

OUGD504 - Studio Brief 02 - Study Task 04 - Branding Considerations

The New York creative community, artists, designers and the cultural interested are the primary target audience of this exhibition, we need to appeal to this market essentially to attract any kind of audience to the exhibition. Promoting the brand to this target audience will be done through several effective methods; both digital and print. A focus on print is going to best relate to the content of the exhibition, print media such as posters, flyers and adverts are a given. Placement of these printed materials in areas where we have a large traffic of this target audience has been considered, publications ranging from the NY Times Magazine to independent lower budget publications will capture the majority of this audience, as will placement in the Subway system. As this project is associated by AIGA, we have the opportunity to use their mailing list of 25,000 members, which is going to be invaluable. I would also like to explore more irregular forms of advertising, this being a contemporary exhibition, how about contemporary methods such as augmented design, embracing new methods of framing as well as guerrilla marketing.

New York's Arabic community is going to be a big target market for the brand too; this market is a lot wider than just a creative one. The inclusion of aspects of Arabian culture will be a welcome sight to Arabians in a foreign culture and we hope the Arabian community will embrace aspects of their culture being promoted in New York. The methods of reaching this audience will include the methods mentioned previously however, this being a more defined audience; promotion in Arabian focused publications as well as highly populated Arabic areas will be great for attracting this audience.

Thinking post exhibition, it is vital for us to create and maintain a worldwide creative audience, to create and grow a digital following to build visitor numbers for following exhibitions. Our digital presence will include the use of Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram primarily. Keeping followers updated with galleries, interviews and digital versions of all work will help sustain and build this following. Through all platforms, I believe Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram and Facebook are going to be the focus, in that particular order. Hashtags such as #-6 could be promoted running up to and post event.

Beyond NY, surrounding states should be targeted to promote the event as we cannot rely on just the population on New York. I do not believe the attraction for international guests to visit is going to be considered worthwhile, Iran has a small Graphic Design history so the designers will not have such a great following of groupies nor be recognisable in the American design culture.

Our main goal is attract traffic to the first exhibition yes but we cannot forget our social goals;

Creating positive social change, this is a cultural exchange after all, introducing Iranian GD to America with the hope to create links for future projects and overall develop contemporary GD. An event that is a catalyst for collaboration between two cultures could be the start of something spectacular.

Promotion should start around 3 months before the ­­­­event; this will result in a larger exposure of advertising as well as allowing any international guests time to arrange transport etc. This is before the New Year of course, so from Jan 1st, promotion should step up a gear and be relentless until the opening night.

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