Friday, October 24, 2014

OUGD504 - Studio Brief 02 - "Logostarter" (one week brief) - Brand Study

A brand study of D&AD


How does the Brand need to communicate these aspects?

The D&AD Annual

Given that D&AD’s increasingly global perspective is widely associated with the highest standards in creativity, Rose felt it was important to create a marque to combine all the required elements; including the colors, with a simple idea. Something to help D&D position themselves as ‘the international authority on creativity’ and to enhance what they are already well known for - the Yellow Pencil. Those who didn’t necessarily recognize the name ‘D&AD’, were more likely to know them as “the yellow pencil people”. Thus, Rose created a marque that used the “yellow people” connection, giving them the opportunity to re-introduce the yellow on all D&AD materials. With this in mind, they took the original logo and combined it with a yellow hexagon – the shape of the pencil, when up-ended – to both represent the pencil, and communicate the new multi-faceted D&AD. The original marque sits in the middle of the hexagon – like the lead in the pencil – running through the core. Wherever you cut it, it is always the same. The hexagon marque can also be used in isolation, to act as a ‘seal of quality’ – rather like a kite-mark – providing the organization with opportunities for accreditation within business and commerce, as they assert themselves as the international authority on creativity, going forward.

Main Logo:
Colin Forbes, of Fletcher/Forbes/Gill, designed D&AD’s logo by using a pre-digital 3-D modeling technique of sticking the four characters into the visible sides of a wooden cube and photographing the result.
Logo B&W alternative

50 years of D&AD by Neville Brody.

Just two of the D&AD Awards

Website homepage

Design Considerations.

Colour. Exclusion area. Do's & Don'ts.

Brand define how close other aspects can be to their mark.

Brand marks do's & don'ts. These are guidelines for outside house designers using their brand.

Why this colour?

Derived from the common use of yellow on Pencils.

"Those who didn’t necessarily recognize the name ‘D&AD’, were more likely to know them as 'the yellow pencil people'."

Imagination. Expression. Innovation. Ideas.

Pencil reference. 'Stimulates mental process'.

ITC Franklin Gothic - A sans serif font designed in 1904.

A typeface should reflect the brand to add to the integrity of the branding.

Looking at my deduction of what the brand needs to communicate:

"What does the brand need to communicate?

A sense of Community
Respect (or is this communicated through the integrity of branding?)
An object of desire (awards)"

ITC Franklin Gothic does have connotations of creativity and professionalism.

The Sans Serif connotes a modern approach, relating to its aim to keep relevant.

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