Wednesday, October 8, 2014

OUGD504 - Studio Brief 01 - My Design Process - Development #4

I received the following feedback in the critique;

"The isometric grid could communicate a very organised design process"

I did agree with the comment and I understand that mathematics and geometry are
heavily related to such a pattern. I wanted to experiment with something that was a
lot more "free" as it were, something adaptable, something flexible. 

A design process is not a given thing, everyone must go through one to complete a project yet it doesn't have to be the same method each time. I'd like to compare a design process to an adaptable substance, it can alter how, when and where this substance occurs but it must occur for a project to develop. - My words at the beginning of the brief.

A fold in Geology. I am going to transfer this to paper.

The folding of paper in such a manner distorts the type just as the isometric grid did.

The leaflet to would have to be pinned to communicate this idea.

The effect created can be simulated using the wave, liquify, zig zag or ripple filters.
Distortion created digitally.

I do prefer this idea to the isometric grid, this type of fold is more organic in nature as well as being more visually appealing. There is a loose conceptual element here however, starting with an unfolded regular piece of paper does not represent how my response to a brief manifests, I do not start clear headed to then become confused. I start erratically and then try to "find clarity". I need to find a solution to communicate the process of becoming clearer with effort.

Type digitally distorted on a unfolded page to be attempted to appear unfolded when physically folded.
Becoming clearer with effort =
Finding Clarity.

Type digitally distorted on a unfolded page to be attempted to appear unfolded when physically folded.
Becoming clearer with effort =
Finding Clarity.

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