Thursday, October 9, 2014

OUGD504 - Studio Brief 01 - My Design Process - Evaluation

Studio brief 01 Evaluation

I have produced an A5 leaflet that I believe communicates my understanding of my design process at this moment in time.  All design decisions, materials and formats have been considered and are relatable to my definition of a process, placing this work in context however has been somewhat of a struggle; I am producing the leaflet to communicate my design process to fulfill a series of module outcomes, I believe the intention of producing an outcome for a commercial context should have not been realised as there is no market for such a product. I appreciate that several factors would be considered if this sat in a commercial context such as cost, material, durability, time and production.

The intention of this leaflet being a one off production has allowed to me to be more creative and conceptual, as I am less restricted by the commercial factors I mentioned previously. Defining my design process was not a challenge in itself it was the defining of how I was to communicate it that proved difficult, designing to communicate something that is personal to ones self creates a skewed perspective as how well can one person relate to another’s fairly personal topic.

It was best to define my design process initially as this would be the base of my outcome, experimenting with format, materials etc before defining my process would result in the waste of time to due to the production of non-informed outcomes. My research of folded forms was incredibly useful, as I believe I efficiently deducted the connotations of a selection of folds which were then to inform my own decision.

My design decisions were informed by considerations of my selected folded format, my preferred interests in graphic design and further considerations into how a user could interact with the piece.

Initially I was to use the isometric grid fold, as I believed this to be efficient in communicating my design process however after feedback from a critique, I realized how open to interpretation my work was, this is an example of the skewed perspective I experienced trying to communicate a personal mater. Taking a step back to evaluate the initial connotations of my work I was to realize that the isometric grid fold does initially communicate a sense of prime organization and efficiency, two factors that were fairly distant from my definition of my process, natural, distorted and erratic.

I am very pleased with my initiative to change my fold, this was altered to better fit with my concept; my design process starts as a distortion of several factors, I then begin a journey to find clarity out of this distortion. The new format I decided to use better fits with this concept and creates a stronger piece. The distorting of type onto a unfolded format shows the distortion I experience at the initial stages of a brief while the intention of a user to fold the sheet to attempt to distort the type lets the user experience this process of finding clarity from distortion. I believe my concept is strong and the new secondary aesthetic of communicating so has strengthened my work considerably.

The use of the typeface Rasmus, a contemporary semi serif similar to an aesthetic prominent in Contemporary Graphic design, in which I believe the majority of my work sits has been chosen as surely communicating the field of Graphic Design in which my design process is to produce outcomes in enhances the communication of itself. My decision to center the type in a medium scale on the page was to accentuate the results of the users folding, this action of folding has been considered in the deciding of the size of the leaflet, A5, I believe any larger or smaller would begin to affect the ergonomics of folding.

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