Sunday, May 17, 2015

OUGD505 / Research Project / Primary research / Religion questions / Method


I am Kieran Walsh, a Graphic Design student studying at Leeds College Of Art.

I am currently working on a publication that documents the relationship between youth culture and religion in the U.K; A documentation of religious youth.

I am interviewing and photographing people aged 18 and over to include within the book and I believe your society would be the true representation of religious youth I would like to feature.

It would be great to receive your honest answers, opinions and an insight into your experiences. It is a chance for you to express yourself, to be honest and heard; to an audience you may not normally have the chance to. You can be a representative of your religion in todays society.

The subject of the interviews and images can remain anonymous if desired and the photography is to be kept casual and non-intrusive.

Your involvement would be greatly appreciated, this is an initial enquiry and I am willing to be as flexible as possible to work with you as a society.

I hope you would like to become involved in the project and I look forward to hearing your decision.

Thank You,


This is the email I sent to every religious society, College and University in the local area.

Scouring the societies page of Leeds Met, Beckett, Trinity. Manchester Met, Sheffield Hallam and Bradford University I sent the email to the heads of these societies.

I asked several friends if they had any religious friends as well as sending an email to LCA students through administration.

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