Sunday, May 17, 2015

OUGD505 / Research Project / Primary research / Religion questions

I wanted to create an interview that would dissect the relationship between youth culture and religion, yielding interesting responses and making for the best content. A focus on gaining content that will be the structure of the publication, quoting these interviews will be the best tool to gain attention through previews of the publication.

My questions intend to yield answers that can be used in the imagery, for example, the mention of a religious tattoo or wearable object.  

Religion and Youth Culture Questions

1. How did you become involved in religion?

2. Do you find balancing religion and everyday life to be hard?

3. Is there any activity you wish you could partake in that you are forbidden to do?

4. Have any of your friendships been affected by your religious following?

5. Have you any friends that are not religious and how open are they
to your beliefs?

6. Have you received any discrimination because of your religious following?

7. Do you believe your religious experience is different to your parents?

8. Do you think the attitude towards believing in religion is changing?

9. Do you think religion has had to adapt to fit into a modern setting?

10. Is there anything you would like to say Atheists/ Agnostics?

11. How proud are you of your religion? Do you wear/carry any religious garments/objects? Hidden or obvious?

12. Does religion affect your idea / approach to pursuing relationships?

13. Would you ever consider a relationship with another with different religious views?

14. How do you think the media portrays your religion?

15. Do you feel you are stereotyped because of your religion?

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