Sunday, May 17, 2015

OUGD505 / Design Practice 2 / Secondary Imagery / Instagram

Due to the secondary sourcing of images, I experimented with images found from both the illustrated encyclopedia of Religion and a selection of images appropriated from Instagram.
These images would support the content on the religious front however their relationship to the Youth Culture aspect of the project was minimal.
Although re-appropriation is popular in Contemporary design, I wanted to experiment with the process to identify if the results were strong enough, in the initial set (Instagram), I have placed all images in the 100%magenta that is used for type, this keeps the inks down to 2 plus stock as well as being a colour that represents the contemporary.

Using 100 Magenta colour overlays allowed the images to be placed behind text;
Both reducing the length of the publication as well as creating an interesting visual.

Spare pages due to pagination were to be filled by these images.

Some images worked as illustration to the content of answers.

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