Thursday, May 21, 2015

OUGD505 / Design Practice 2 / Research / Page Layout

A4 2 column grid, fully justified ragged right copy. 
A4 Double page spread, 4 column fully justified text, a single column left from quote. 

3 Column grid, fully justified ragged right bottom line.
Image centred with text wrap sam width as margins. 

Single page 4 column grid with column for quote.

DPS. Full bleed image, centred, top and bottom aligned copy.

Title followed by left indent to identify the start of the quote;
left aligned under width of image.

Copy fully justified under width of image.

Left page: Justified, bottom left aligned sitting under images around 3 of 5 column wide centred.
Right page: Text sitting in 1 of 3 columns with images centred. 

A more post modern aesthetic in MAT.
Right aligned column of text sits in the last of three, while the title
'Tainted Love' sits centred in the two other columns.

Right page: The last of three columns' left aligned text slightly imposes on the image.

Right page: Sitting on a central line, the left column is right aligned and vice versa.
An unusual aesthetic creating a vibrancy. 

Glorified clip art is another tool for communicating the magazines ethos (MAT) 

i-D's use of white type over a light image is not so effective, the contrast is too low and makes the type illegible.

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