Friday, May 13, 2016

OUGD602 / PPP / Professional Presence

In order to better my chances when applying for entry-level positions within the arts, culture and fashion – design and direction positions within editorial and advertising, my web presence is to be communicated alongside a portfolio.

My webpage: acts as both a blog and portfolio, attracting visit through the blog and the call to action of viewing my portfolio.

Instagram is also a great tool for connecting with the creative industry, I do not conform to the use of Instagram as a visual diary of every takeaway and night out I’ve had but a place for exploratory photography and design

I have acquired the more professional email address of to compliment the website and the ongoing handle ‘kieranewalsh’. The use of the ‘e’ for Edward in-between Kieran and Walsh grants search engine optimization

I am also partaking in a social media blackout to a certain extent, all social media accounts are private and do not include a profile picture – replaced with a full black. I believe this to be beneficial to my professional practice as to stay formal and separate the private and work lives.

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