Wednesday, May 11, 2016




5 weeks at DAZED Magazine from 26/05/15 – 26/06/15 as Design Intern.

Over the five weeks, a varying amount of tasks were completed, these included:

Creating Social Media Assets:

Khloe Kardashian

Bjork Facebook Q&A

Researching and collating images to be used and considered for future projects.


Weekly, daily and hourly deadlines were constantly set, this is a reflection of the publishing industry – fast paced turnarounds to illustrate current events and news.

Lengths – short and long


The contacts and network I developed while interning at DAZED has proved brilliant several months on. Other interns while I was there have kept in contact and will be people in a similar industry when I am – this is positive in both contacts as friends and building an industry network to work alongside.

Social Experience:

The social experience while interning was brilliant, gaining insight into the day to day running of such a renowned operation was most definitely one of the greatest attributes taken from the experience. The experience allowed me to reconsider my expectations of working life within industry, from daunting to friendly and unobtainable to comfortable, I believe I am ready to fit into a similar running order and prosper within a professional environment.


Was it worth it?:

Although it was incredibly financially expensive, the experience was certainly worth the monetary cost, the ability to have DAZED on a C.V at this stage has already sustained many conversations as well as introductions and other offers – Man About Town & TANK.

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