Tuesday, April 28, 2015

OUGD505 / Methodology

Identifying my Graphic Design methodology

'Methodology is the systematic, theoretical analysis of the methods applied to a field of study. It comprises the theoretical analysis of the body of methods and principles associated with a branch of knowledge.'

The synthesis of my research, existing morals, approaches and taste level underpins my practice; my methodology.

Context is to be considered before identifying an end user, taking this step before defining a target audience creates a base to develop upon. This context derives form the manner of the project; why it is you are completing the project, from my experience there are several contexts in which a project is to be completed:

-       To respond to a set brief for financial gain
-       To develop and experiment for personal gain
-       To respond to a set brief to complete marked criteria
-       To develop work for a portfolio that expresses my practice, interests
and focus.
-       To adapt briefs to complete work that you are to enjoy

These contexts skew each approach to a brief and it is necessary to identify before starting research; as the context will define this.

I aim to define a set of limitations as narrow as possible to direct design decisions, although this could appear to limit my own practice, I believe the opposite. Defining each aspect of the brief (Tone of voice, TA, Aims) as narrow as possible; subjectively of course, will direct the creative outcome. This defines a designer and their practice.

User research is one of the most important aspects of a methodology, more than simply identifying, a designer must gain an understanding of the user, encompass their taste level, understand their behavior and somewhat predict their reaction to work. A designer must identify an aesthetic and channels that are comfortable for the TA while identifying an educated presumption of the users reaction to visual content.

Research methodology is to follow identification of a target audience and context; this is a time to identify the context of forms (typeface, layout, color, etc) that can relate to the content of the response. The typeface used for the branding of Disobedient Objects; Doctrine was derived from the only airline in North Korea, it is context driven design like this that can be appropriated to create strong, substantial connections; although they may not be apparent to the eye.

Working with pre conceived ideas are a safe manner to work with, subjectively I don’t agree with the use of these, the arrangement of hierarchy is pre conceived for example, but why should a headline sit above copy in the top quarter of a page? It is the questioning of these pre-conceived ideas that underpins my practice, practice I believe to be incredibly interesting and innovative.

Applying a subjective taste level is the practice that creates a designer’s ‘style’, I do not agree with this practice, as I believe every brief should be approached differently.


You’ve developed a very thoughtful approach to research and development.
The avenues that you explore are helping to define your own design voice although a little more work at the end of the project to up the quality of the production/presentation would start to do more justice to your output. The
collaborative briefs appear to have been the most troublesome for you: with both the i-D and the fashion identity project having been most troublesome. Despite this, it all seems to be heading in the right direction with the effort put into the Secret 7 solution yielding some very interesting results.


A good body of work that demonstrates your growing confidence as a designer. Your ability to reflect and evaluate is particularly commendable. Some of the ideas haven’t always been carried through to your work successfully but you notably address these issues when summarizing what you created. Plus you’re consistently engaging with contemporary design and increasing your understanding substantially.

Identifying 3 point for improvement:

Final outcome and production;

Directly influenced by time management, I need to better plan my time and allow for printing and production. I am to do this in OUGD505 by planning time to print and bind my final response.

Applying ideas into design;

Directly influenced by the development stage, I need to somewhat ‘slow down’ when going through this stage. I need to thoroughly consider and as mentioned in methodology; narrow my direction by defining the project in its earlier stages.

Collaboration work;

This was somewhat due to unfortunate events however it is nonetheless on my behalf that I need to plan for such situations as well as better choosing working partners. Finding people who I don’t work well with is as productive as the opposite, as I now know to be more cautious in my selection.

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