Tuesday, September 30, 2014

OUGD504 - Studio Brief 01 - My Design Process - Development

From the folds I experimented with, I believe the isometric grid has the strongest conceptual agreement with my design process.

Isometric Fold.
The use of a isometric fold creates endless folds/shapes and a distorted, crumpled aesthetic.

The aesthetic and connotations of such folds appeals to me the most, as the connotations of
randomness and organised yet a disturbed feel.

Looking at the isometric fold, I can associate the description of my design process: Messy, creative, scattered and abstract.

Describing my Design Process.
I think that simply calling this project "my design process" would be contradictory, my design process is not that simple, well labelled or linear. 

Using a phrase or word to describe the method in which I develop through a brief:

Diamond out of the rough.
Clarity out of Distortion.
Finding Clarity.

Finding Clarity.

I thought this best described my design process, finding clarity in the midst of a jumbled arrangement of existing aspirations, ideas and morals towards design. 

This is how I develop through a brief, imagine a huge collage of all the work I have seen (Inspirations) , the work I want to do (Aspirations & Morals) and the limitations of a brief I have to work within (Limitations, Target Audience, Schedule, Budget, Commercial consideration, Research, Materials). 

Now imagine finding connections between these aspects in a erratic manner until an selection of initial ideas are created ( Notes, Brainstorms, Thumbnails).

I would then present ( Presentation) these initial ideas in a critique to gather secondary opinions and feedback (Feedback and Adjust).

Developing and producing artwork from the adjustments and criticisms (Development) I then gather secondary opinions and feedback for a second, or several occasion. (Feedback and Adjust) until I have a (Final).

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