Thursday, January 1, 2015

OUGD504 Studio Brief 04 - Initial Ideas

After exploring some of the possibilities with augmented design, I created a mind map with possible directions of my response. As I am advertising a website I believe it best to focus on digital augmentation.
Initial sketches.

I have narrowed down the form of my outcomes here, a form that can be translated over several formats would be the most cost efficient, a poster is the most adaptable as it can be translated from a poster alone to a single page in a magazine, a digital image while being able to place outside and indoors. Although irrelevant to the brief, I have considered digital outcomes below, if I were to produce digital outcomes, a GIF would be the best method to reach my TA, especially through Social Media such as Tumblr and Instagram.

Developed sketches.

Printing a QR Code over works of contemporary graphic design that I am to feature on the website.
This collaboration emphasises the link between the website and such work of design. 

Anaphormic QR codes on walls in the suggested locations I mentioned in my rationale. This form expresses the experimentation and progression seen in work that will feature. 

A QR code appearing on a TV in front of the static fuzz found on untuned channels. I believe this idea to be more visually interesting however lacking concept, as the relation between the two can be hard to deduce.  

Inspired by the gallery of QR codes I featured in my research, simply showing a QR code in a ornate frame does communicate the questioning of a frame,  a relation to art and the basis of my website; a gallery.

Contemporary Graphic Design can be seen as a protest of modernist principles, using a picket usually found in protests communicates this visual rebellion of contemp graphic design.

Using LAYAR I would print the homepage of my website over a DPS, a user would then use the app to take a picture and be linked to the homepage on their phone. Creating this link merges reality and the digital realm as well as showcasing contemporary techniques, in turn relating to the website.
An idea to project a shadow of a QR code onto a surface, this surface could be the wall of a gallery, university etc. The merging of this advertisement and an installation piece  (as a light setup etc would be needed) communicates contemporary, progressive methods as itself is an example of a contemporary, progressive method.

A basic imitation of a QR

I could not use foam board in a Commercial context, primarily due to the fact, cutting out a QR code would be both very expensive and impossible due to the negative space holding the code together. 

Depending on the size of the cut out, there would a be a point when the shadow becomes unreadable due to the focus of the light, this method would need a patient mind. Not too practical at all.

I would have to print onto a opaque material such as a tracing paper to let the light pass through where the ink hasn't covered the page, this would result in a negative, printing a full bleed black however could be too expensive.

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