Monday, April 21, 2014

Design Principles - Studio Brief 2 - What is a book? - Grid layouts

Studio Brief 2 - What is a book? - Grid Layouts

Identifying grids: - an examples of a modular grid.

Shortlist 4 column grid:

 VICE 2 column grid:

100 Ideas that changed Graphic Design book 3 column grid:

I was confused about the irregularity of this layout, the spacing is unequal creating the 3 column of main body copy, the two columns of smaller copy under the image was the first time I have seen an example of this. 

The Watchmen Graphic Novel:

I thought a graphic novel was an interesting example as type is written over illustrations.

Less and More - The Design Ethos Of Dieter Rams

A wide column is complemented by a smaller column that references content from the larger.
An interesting use of hierarchy.

The use of a grid is perfectly visible.

The grid used throughout Printed Pages is also a delight to read, the three columns create a width of body copy that is well designed and legible without straining the horizontal travel. 

Serif type is used as copy while sans serif is used for larger copy.

The page number being centred over the fold creates nice continuity between pages.

This GRAZE leaflet is also well designed;

A DPS of image and copy runs throughout the booklet, 

While only two short copy is displayed a page.

Looking at both the context and design here, Vignelli's Canon uses a two column page, similarly to Printed pages, the width of the copy is kept balanced. 

'The task of the designer is to sift through the images to select those which best portray the essence of the content and possess the quality of becoming an icon'

Examples from The Vignelli Canon.

An extract from AISLE ONE, the layout used throughout Neue Grafik shows the use of a well balanced grid, I believe the more a grid is evident within layout, the more readable.

Another extract from AISLE ONE, the Edition Two layout visible shows the use of a DPS image, this creates continuity and flow of read.

I like the full page two column grid used on the top left image due to the contrast of point size for sub headings. 

 The City Talking 10 column grid:

 I deconstructed the grid and rearranged its content:

I discovered how to create mock up grids to scale:

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