Wednesday, January 22, 2014

OUGD405 - Design Process - Research

I was given the word 'HOOKS'

Firstly, I thought best to look into the word in a literal sense

What is a hook?

 After looking at the different interpretations of the word, I began thinking in a more non literal sense:
A 'hook' in advertising'
I began creating word association lists to create direction for my research, I included narrower associations to be prepared for the brief after:

Hooked - Caught - Fishing - Hunting

A hunting guide

Hunting materials

Famous hunters

Hooked - Climbing - adventure

Places to go


Stories of adventures


Hooker - Prostitute - Poverty - Crime


Life of a prostitute

Drug Abuse

Hook up - Relationship - Emotion

Relationship stories

Photo documentary

Sling your hook - Yorkshire slang

A list of Yorkshire Slang and accents

A Slang map

English to Yorkshire dictionary

Hook - Hooked -  Addicted - Addiction

Types of addiction

Photo documentary of addicts

Interviews with addicts

Types of drugs

Hook - Attract - Capture


Advertising - famous adverts

Hook - Catch - Cook - Survival

Wild cooking book

How to fish

Hook - Hanging - Clothes - Fashion 





Hooked to - Connection - Family - Friends


My own family tree

'A map of friends'

Hooked - impaled 

Horrific accidents

Bull fighting



Off the hook - Free - Relief - Justice

Crime stories

Famous wrong decisions

Who did it?

After creating these 38 more conceptual responses as well as the literal interpretations of the word I found, I believed I had found the direction I wanted to research 'Hooks' to.


The thought of looking into addiction appealed to me as I do admit to being addicted to nicotine and ever increasingly caffeine. I wanted to look into the phycological aspects of addiction not only for the brief but as to build my understanding of what I experience everyday.

The first addiction that came to mind was drug addiction, here I looked at the statistics of rehabilitating patients from this annual report that is available from the  website as a PDF.

 This report was a good place to start to determine how greatly common addiction however much more information was needed:

This phycological explanation of addiction helped me understand the mentality of addiction.

I discovered environmental aspects as well as hereditary can influence addiction. Whether it be the increased chance due to  a relative being an addict or some kind or the hunt for a short term pleasure which can therefore turn into an addiction.

Here are some of the more unusual addictions I found

A TEDx talk by a recovered addict explaining addiction and his personal story. A brilliant watch and very informative, delay discounting and intertemporal conversation were unheard of to me before watching this.

I watched Russell Brand's Addiction to Recovery documentary on BBC3, here is the clip of Mr Brands input to a committee on addiction. A very long winded input however the points he makes about the need for a substance being relative to the need for a spiritual wellbeing are vaguely relational. 

I wanted to conduct some primary research about addiction from peers, I created this questionnaire and asked the group to complete it.

 Overall this was successful in retrieving good data however due to the anonymity of the answers, some individuals answered with bogus answers and would have to be excluded from the results.


Prescription drugs


Recreational drugs



Online/Social media

Fizzy drinks 




Eating toilet roll


Organisation / OCD






 After understanding addiction and the realisation that anything that creates good feelings when taken or completed can become addictive, I want to specify this addiction to a certain substance.

This research will be used in the layout brief:

With the recent purchase of a cafetiere and a selection of flavoured syrups, what better substance to focus on than coffee.

I want to create a booklet containing various coffees and the ingredients, firstly I had to find the ingredients of these coffees:

These info-graphics helped greatly due to, not only the representative colours but the fraction of ingredient too.

After gathering the information about the ingredients of these coffees, I needed some opinions about coffee, I created a survey like I did earlier and asked the course to 'describe how a good coffee makes you feel?'

After gathering these opinions, I needed to gather several facts, I discovered , this was invaluable as a source of reliable information.

Here are the facts I gathered:

In Italy, caffe latte is almost always prepared at home, for breakfast only.

Cappuccino translates to ‘Little hood’; this refers to the colour of the Capuchin Monks brown coloured robes.

Originating from Portugal and similar to a Cafe latte, A galão is traditionally served in a long glass.

Coffee milk is the official state drink of Rhode Island in the USA

The name cafe mocha originates from the town Mocha in Yemen.

Traditional eggnog typically consists of milk, sugar, raw eggs, and spices, usually nutmeg.

An americano is made adding hot water to espresso, adding espresso to hot water however is called a long black.

Irish coffee was originally created to warm up American passengers after arriving in Ireland. 

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