Monday, March 14, 2016

OUGD603 / D&AD / Research / Stop Trident 27th February Demonstration

Documenting the activists at the STOP TRIDENT demonstration across in London on the 27th February informed me of the materials and processes demonstrators use to communicate their agenda.

The materials used are a reflection of contexts; home-made, recycled and temporary objects reflect the fleeting nature of a moving demonstration lasting several hours.

While the typography, predominantly hand-rendered on DIY signs, portrays a sense of individuality and reflects the commitment an individual has to a cause (due to the effort evident in hand producing the sign), hand rendered signs do appear amateurish and are not received with the same amount of respect to that of it's digitally produced counterparts. 

The legibility of hand-rendered signage detracts from the message when viewed from a distance although the sentimental value of DIY creations can be seen as compensation.

DIY SIGNS - Paint on card with wood. 
Chalk on Concrete

Paint on paper on tape, card and wood.

Paint, paper, hazard tape and wood.

Neon/ paint on card and wood.

Pencil on card and wood.

Chalk on concrete.

Chalk on concrete.

Ink on paper on bag.

Paint on card and wood.

Paint on card in mud.

Paint on paper flag in soil.

Paint on card and wood.

Paint on card and wood.

Paint on card and wood.

Fabric on Fabric.

Paint on Fabric.

Fabric on Fabric.

Paint on wood.

DIY Rocket on Helmet.

Fabric Nuclear Waste Costume.

Paint on fabric t-shirt.


Paint on Polyester Jacket.

Chalk on Concrete.

Chalk on Concrete.
Paint on paper.

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