Wednesday, February 3, 2016

OUGD603 / CND & D&AD / Ken Garland

"Even if I hadn’t been on the very first Easter March (yes, the one that ended up in that awful muddy field outside the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment, Aldermaston) and become a devoted adherent to the campaign, it would have been quite impossible to refuse anything to the late Peggy Duff, the Organising Secretary of CND. Though she never had a penny to offer me, she was my most inspiring and endearing client, and I was always ready to bust a gut whenever she got us on the blower with yet another all-but-impossible task."

"This photograph of a child looking out of a window was used for a CND poster entitled SAY NO. It was also reproduced as a leaflet, of which 500,000 were printed and distributed during the Easter March of 1963."
Note the use of full caps in 'SAY NO' as well as the use of the CND/Peace symbol as an 'O'.
Various banners outside of Barbara Castle in 1963 show a location followed by
Y.C.N.D (Youth Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament). Note the use of full caps created with the use of a stencil as a reflection of the accessibility of the production method - anyone could do it!

A negative crop of the CND/Peace symbol; Garland's use of Britain's silhouette
within the symbol reflects the mentality of the event; Britain's hope of ND.

Again using the CND/Peace symbol alongside a full capitalised font design by Ken Garland and Associates,
the repetition of the symbol can be seen as representation of the 1962 march; a movement of peace.

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